Corporate Storytelling Workshop
To be persuasive, a message must be focused on the specific audience’s needs and limited to the content needed for the audience to make the desired decision. In other words, everything in the presentation or message needs to be Deliberate.
The three day Articulus Corporate Storytelling Workshop teaches a repeatable process to develop and deliver persuasive messages. The workshop covers key concepts and how to apply them to maximum effect. Each day includes learning, application and practice with feedback.
Research shows human beings make decisions – and make them faster – when they receive a message with specific ingredients:
Clear differentiation
The selection, balance, order and delivery of these ingredients is equally important. The Storyboarding process and tools used in the workshop provide the framework and organization for any persuasive message you need to deliver.
I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
- Maya Angelou (2012)

Workshop Details:
3 Days
Apply the concepts learned
Develop a real presentation they are ready to deliver the day they walk out of the workshop
Practice delivering their presentation each day
Receive direct coaching and feedback from the instructor
Content is tailored to meet the specific needs of your team
Includes use of the Articulus Storyboard and a 12 month license to access the eCSW refresher course
Course delivered by a certified Corporate Storytelling instructor
Deliberate Consulting is certified by and licenses course content & materials from Articulus LLC.
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Watch this quick video to learn what to expect and how to prepare.