If you simply changed the logos and product names in your slide deck, could it pass as a presentation given by your competitor?
If so, you may be suffering from a sick message strategy.

Why it's a problem:
It takes longer to get a decision (purchase, engagement, commitment, approval, etc.)
People make decisions based on differences rather than similarities
If the offering/idea isn't perceived as different, the audience will likely default to:
No change at all
Lowest price (who wants to win there?)
Presentation lacks differentiation in:
the message
offerings / recommendations themselves
selection of topic(s)
key benefit claims
The audience mentions it's (basically) the same presentation as the competitor's
Most (or all) of the benefits and functionality mentioned can be claimed by the competitor too
Potential cause(s):
Lack of an effective message strategy, specifically:
Failure to assess audience needs
Failure to consider what's different about the topic
Failure to identify real competition (competitor or status quo)
Failure to select and customize content based on differentiation
Recognize the audience has to perceive a difference to make a decision
Don't wing it
Use tools (like the Storyboard and the Message Strategy Exercise) to develop and execute your message strategy
Give me a shout - I'm always happy to discuss