We shifted to sharing our latest thinking on social media.
And great stuff is getting posted All. The. Time.
Here’s a selection of the best posts from the last three months of 2019:
If the CSW came in box, what would that look like? Watch this short video to see us “open the box”.
Your org's business model is optimized to:
deliver your current solutions
kill or contain any idea or offering that is truly different
It’s really hard.
Please don't let that stop you.
The audience recognizes – and respects – your effort.
In high-stakes presentations, the Client often gives the presenting team some guidance. What do they mean? What flexibility does the presenting team have? Here are some thoughts.
Harvard Business Review had an article arguing the credibility of women suffers when employing humor in a presentation.
I strongly disagree – and found the argument deeply flawed. As did others based on the spirited discussion that followed.
Read my post. Read the article. Read the comments for both.
Bottom line: Women (and men) can benefit from humor. But it has to be relevant and authentic.
Let’s celebrate Churchill’s birthday by remembering his wit, wisdom, and transformative communication.
Have a presentation coming up that has a larger audience than you're accustomed to - like a conference, townhall meeting, or sales kickoff? Here are some differences and tips to have more impact.
We added a new page dedicated to Deliberate videos.
They're short (~3 minutes each).
They focus on corporate storytelling.
And we'll continue to add more.