In case you missed them, here are the best Deliberate posts from the first three months of 2024. Organized by topic. Click on a link to read the post in LinkedIn
Deliberate Messaging
Posts on persuasive message development & delivery:
Don’t hide behind a podium
Tips for giving someone else’s presentation
You’re selling yourself just as much as your idea or product
Checking notes
The power of gestures
Authenticity matters
WHY use a flipchart?
WHEN to use a flipchart
HOW to use a flipchart
High Stakes Pitches:
The posts above apply to pitches
What about your pitch MESSAGE?
The posts below apply to pitches, too!
Symptoms of Common Presentation Problems:
Message: Solution-focused instead of audience-focused
Message: Low confidence delivery
Message: No time for questions
Media: Confusing Charts & Graphs
Media: Fonts
Media: Hard to consume slides
Pitch: Undifferentiated
Pitch: Poor team Q&A
Pitch: Client can’t decide to move forward (with any vendor)
Most folks know me for my messaging work. But I have an innovation management background too. For me, the two are closely linked: Both should have a specific audience, be centered on the value proposition, and offer proof.
Elegant design in B2B
Corporate antibodies to innovation
Different types of innovation
Symptoms of common innovation problems:
Incremental ideas only
No definition for ‘innovation’
Travel tips, observations, and opinions.
Options to reduce the cost of business class seats
Seat Guru to research plane seats
Eww. Gross stuff I’ve while travelling
My preferences for personal travel
Staying connected on international flights
Navigating cultural differences
Working out of a hotel
Portable pharmacy
I continue to highlight amazing people I know, sharing them with my broader network. If you see someone interesting, send them a connection request on LinkedIn. Or poke me for an introduction.
It's been one year since heart surgery
I was named a LinkedIn Top Voice on Presentation Skills. Okay, let’s break this one down a bit. Getting the badge simply comes down to adding a lot of responses to the LinkedIn collaborative articles on a specific topic. What is a collaborative article? An AI-driven topic that seeks “expert” feedback from the community. Why does LI do this? Probably to train their AI to build and monetize future products. I’m not impressed with the topics (some are ridiculous), the (current) AI recommendations, or much of the “expert” advice. It’s all pretty generic and conventional if not outright dumb. I participate for a few reasons: I can help people, it helps make new connections, and … a badge.
Holidays, special days, and what I take away from each:
Let me know. It's what I do.
And take a look at the tip sheets you can buy & download: