Wow. What a year 2020 has been: COVID-19, massive protests, the collapse of the oil market, work from home as the norm, toilet paper shortages, murder hornets.
The crises have actually led to changes - and an increase - in Corporate Storytelling events.
Why? My take is that mediocre presentations in person are HORRIBLE over Zoom, Teams, or Skype. Plus businesses want to develop their teams, even when (especially when) they are working from home.
I continued to post and share our experiences. Here are links to the most popular posts from the last three months:
Virtual Events – Planning, Feedback, Open Events
Request: Thoughts on an open Virtual Corporate Storytelling Workshops
Video: Register for open Virtual Corporate Storytelling Workshop in August
Kickoff: First Virtual Corporate Storytelling Workshop
Feedback from first Virtual Corporate Storytelling Workshop
Proposal Webinar @ Articulus
Webinar on Personal Branding
Corporate Storytelling
Testimonial: 300% Increase
What first impression does your presentation make?
Translating – and dealing with – comments from Devil’s Advocates
Impact of COVID 19 on Deliberate
DC’s 3rd Birthday