You may have noticed a LOT more social media activity from Deliberate over the last few months. Number of posts were up 6x and views were up 4x over the previous two quarters. The pace will continue through the end of the year.
There was a lot to see. So ICYMI, here are the best Deliberate posts from July, August, and September 2022. Click on a link to read the post in LinkedIn.
Complex skill development requires a longer course
Don’t present like Gronk of the Hill People
Reactions to the title “Corporate Storyteller”
Thoughts on the open workshop held in September
Need to grow your existing business? Here's an intro to Kevin’s video conversation with Roger Douglas. Or watch the full hour HERE.
Listen to a 4-part podcast where Dahlia at Making it to Market interviews Kevin on messaging, presenting, and innovation.
We’re most of the way through a series of 25 observations & lessons learned from coaching team pitches on large deals ($20MM+). Here’s the kickoff post. There’s a short video (most are around 90 seconds) for each observation. The series will conclude in early October with a summary (and links to individual posts) coming out in late October.
Lessons learned from making the Pitch Observations series
Great Article: Is it real? Can we win? Is it worth doing?
What will your competition NOT do?
Dutch Brothers vs Starbucks
Innovation panel at the ECC 2022 conference
Transformative innovation requires a transformative business model
Travel in 2022
Evolve your presentation skills
Three Corporate Storytellers walk into a bar – most popular post of the quarter